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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Member of BBRA?

Come along to a BBRA meeting or complete the online Membership Application on our "Membership" page.


I have an issue that I would like to address. How should I do this?

Please come along to a BBRA meeting or send us an email.


Who should attend the Monthly BBRA Meetings?

In addition to the Committee Members, all Burns Beach Residents and Ratepayers can attend the meetings.


What happens at the Monthly BBRA Meetings?

The BBRA Chairperson chairs the meetings and runs through a standard Agenda. Once general business on the Agenda is completed, Meeting attendees can raise any new issues.


Does BBRA organise community events?

Yes, we do! In the past, we have held quiz nights, collaborated with the Burns Beach Twilight Markets for their annual Christmas event, Christmas Picnics and Scavenger Hunts. In 2024 we hope to continue this so you can get to know your local community.


Who is our locally elected Council Member?

The current elected City of Joondalup North Ward Council Members are Cr. Adrian Hill and Cr. Lewis Hutton (refer to the following links)

Cr.  Adrian Hill

Cr. Lewis Hutton


How do I know the schedule for City of Joondalup Council public meetings?

Details of scheduled ordinary meetings and briefing sessions are available at the following link:

CoJ Meetings Schedule


How do I contact PEET (Developer of the Burns Beach Development)?

Refer to the following link -


How do I contact the private security contractor that patrols Burns Beach Development on behalf of PEET?

NPB Security Australia Security Patrol (tel. 0409-281163).


How do I report crime and vandalism in Burns Beach?

For emergencies (life-threatening): tel 000

For non-emergency quick response situations: tel 131 444

For non-urgent matters that don't require immediate attention: please report online

How do I contact City of Joondalup Field Services (City Rangers)?

tel. 9400 4000.


How do I report Graffiti to City of Joondalup?

tel. 94004000 or use the online form at the following link:

Report Graffiti


How do I report a street light that is not working

Report to Western Power using the following link:

Report a Faulty Street Light

How do I submit a Maintenance Request to City of Joondalup?

There is an online Damage Reporting/Maintenance system at the following link:

Reporting Damage


Does City of Joondalup provide trees for verges?

Yes. Ratepayers should apply for verge trees by 31st March each year for a tree to be planted during the Winter. Refer the following link:

Street Tree Planting

Are dogs allowed on Burns Beach?

No. There are signs at beach access points stating that dogs are prohibited on the beach. There is a City of Joondalup dog beach in Hillarys/Whitfords area. There are other areas where dogs are prohibited or must be kept on a leash. Refer the following links:

Hillarys Dog Beach

Dog Restriction Areas

What do I do if I find a snake in my house or garden?

In spring and summer, many reptiles come out of hiding to bask in the sunlight. This can cause concern (and potential risks) to people and their pets. During this time you should take precautions and be aware of your surroundings to minimise the chance of encountering snakes. If you find a snake in your house or garden call Wildcare Helpline (94749055) to be referred to a volunteer reptile remover. For more information see the following link - Dealing with Snakes

Does City of Joondalup provide any Community Transport service?

Yes, CoJ offers a community bus service to local shopping centres, senior citizens centres and to Joondalup library. The community bus may also be hired by qualifying community groups for outings. For more details see the following link:

Community Transport Program

What Should I do if I Observe Private 4WD Vehicles or Motorbikes in the Bush Land on the Northern Boundary of Burns Beach?

Private 4WD vehicles and motorbikes are not permitted to access the bush land. Please report any breaches to PEET or to City Ranger Services.

What Should I do if Contractors Working on Nearby Construction Sites Damage My Verge?

BBRA suggests that you report any damage to the Builder/Site Manager or to PEET or to Joondalup City Ranger Services.

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