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Beach Access Points

The Foreshore Management Plan Burns Beach (FMPBB) indicates that seven (7) beach access paths would be constructed within the Burns Beach PEET Development area. Three are already in existence, with the balance indicated to be set along the coastline adjacent to the Northern Residential Precinct (NRP).

In January 2022 PEET lodged an application with CoJ detailing possible locations for three beach access points (1st off Fingal Park; 2nd to be located at the northern end of the NRP; 3rd to be located halfway between access point 1 and 2).

In August 2022 CoJ advised that the extent of landscape works, and the number of beach access paths would be less than that shown in the original Foreshore Management Plan Burns Beach (FMPBB) of 2006. It was jointly determined (CoJ & PEET) that some of the routes were too steep or too circuitous to enable easy access, ensure minimal impact to the existing vegetation and avoid exposing areas of unvegetated dune.

In line with WAPC Conditions of Subdivision, the Foreshore Management Plan Burns Beach was revised and updated to ensure the protection and management of the area. This incorporated:

  •  providing at least two pedestrian paths through the foreshore reserve from Burns Beach Estate to the beach. The two paths will be in line with and north of Fingal Park leading to two lookouts after which they will converge to one entry onto the beach.

  • providing one emergency vehicle access track through the foreshore reserve from Beachside Drive to the beach, in the far northern corner of the subdivision.

While the concept plans and locations of the Foreshore Landscape Masterplan Report Burns Beach WA 2022 have been approved and form part of the updated Foreshore Management Plan Burns Beach, PEET only lodged their development application for Phase 1 of works in January 2024.

As the process involves the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (as the foreshore is outside PEET’s landholding) and the City, there is, as yet, no commencement date for these works.

Updated: March 2024.


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