Grand Ocean Entrance Access to Marmion Avenue
The current Approved Burns Beach Structure Plan includes a Traffic Study report that was published in September 2004.
This traffic study report states that "The main access to Burns Beach will be taken from Marmion Avenue at the existing intersection of Edinburgh Avenue."
Feedback from local residents regarding the roundabout at the Grand Ocean Entrance/Edinburgh Avenue junction with Marmion Avenue is that it is extremely difficult to safely exit Burns Beach via this roundabout during peak hours. Accordingly local residents generally prefer to exit Burns Beach via Burns Beach Road.
An additional entry/exit location is planned to the north of this roundabout, however this will be "left-in/left-out" only and will therefore only be of use to residents heading Northbound on Marmion Avenue. PEET has advised that this access will only be available for use by construction traffic until constuction has been completed (i.e. until all Lots are prepared ready for sale). This may be around 2020.
The local community is concerned regarding future traffic issues (in particular exit from Burns Beach at peak hours) as the Development moves towards completion.
Traffic management is discussed in the Draft Burns Beach Master Plan.